This post is a tough one to swallow. I have been finding myself in this constant battle with a scripture. The scripture is the one in 1 Corinthians I think about "my actions causing another brother to fall". I HATE THAT SCRIPTURE! I do not EVER want to be responsible for someone else's actions. I do not want to be the blame for someone else's weakness. However, lately I have been looking at that scriputer a whole lot differently.
Have you ever thought that those same people learning from your example or watching your God walk are walking taller and learning positive from your example?
I understand the scripture to mean that my testimony, my ministry could really have no effect on anyone if I am out there wallowing with the pigs. I also understand it to mean that if I am doing something that has a negative effect on my fellow folks then I should stop... All that being said the COOLEST THING HAS HAPPENED THIS WEEK. I know it was God showing me the positive side to this scripture.
Before this revelation, when I heard this scripture or anyone even hint around to it, I would automatically hear that old song..."I always feel like somebody's watching meeeee and I have no privacy whhhooaaa. I always feel like somebody's watching me" and they were waiting for me trip up so they could blame me for their misbehavior...uggghhh
side note: Personal responsibility stinks :)
Moving on! What if we can flip that scripture upside down in my mind? Let's do it...
People ARE watching me! They ARE watching me and making positive changes in their lives.
Since I have started this C25K plan I KNOW that at least 7 other women were inspired to do the same. INSPIRED BY ME! HOLY COW!! I have inspired people! I have inspired people in a positive manner!! eeeeeekkkkkkk....
My heart does flip flops when I think about it. MY influence is out there and it matters. That floors my inner being! That makes my inner gal dance! Not just a side to side sway but a full blown do-si-doe!!
Does it scare me a little?? Heck Yes! It sure does! Does it change the way I post things on Facebook? You better believe it. It changes everything about me. It changes my own personal outlook on my personal responsibility!
You see, when you figure out that people ARE watching you and the type of influence and inspiration you can be; it makes you want to live a better life. When you get that text or message that says "Because you inspired me I am gonna..." it is indescribable. It is life changing!!
Hear my heart..I know that God moved these people too but this is about ME right now LOL...totally kidding. Reality is that God revealed to me a while back that my ministry would simply be "Being ME" and blooming right where I am and it is happening! It is effortlessly happening.
I never thought that the blossom would wear a pair of running shoes but it did. I have been able to minister to several ladies not because I have a ministry and they seek that
Some have asked how I do it and my response is always JESUS and there is the open door. Some have just used my running as a way to open the door to conversations that lead to real life challenges. They were seeking advice and my new adventure was a conversation starter but the root always reveals itself. Sometimes it really is advice about running. Sometimes it is just a quick compliment about being proud of me but most times it is more of a time of ministry and heart healing conversations! next time you feel a pair of eyes on you don't automatically think it something negative. Remember that it can influence either way. Which influence will you be? Will you be singing the song? I will sing. I will sing at the top of my lungs..."I always feel like somebody's watching meeeeee" because they ARE and I love it!